A Green Feast

Gila Farm Cooperative CSA Delivery Newsletter April 3rd 2012
Pick up produce Tuesdays at 5227 N. 7th St. between 4:00 and 5:30pm
Week three of ten week CSA Spring Season.

Grandpa’s Green Feast with Baked Beets

Sometimes simple is called for. Here is a very simple meal that is just about as healthy as you can get.


  • Carrots – Freshly picked from CSA
  • Green onions – Freshly picked from CSA
  • Radishes – Freshly picked from CSA
  • Lettuce – Freshly picked from CSA
  • Celery – From the grocery store
  • Tomatoes – From the grocery
  • Cooked Beets – Freshly picked and baked (recipe below)


  1. Toss the lettuce in your favorite salad dressing and use as a bed for all other vegetables.
  2. Cut veggies however seems “pretty” and arrange on top of the lettuce.
  3. Optional: Serve with a side of salad dressing for dipping.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Peel beets and discard skins
  3. Cut into 1/2 – 3/4 inch squares – try to keep them all about the same size
  4. Toss pieces in 1 TBL olive oil and 1/2 tsp salt
  5. Bake at 350º for about 30 minutes until fork tender
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