A Partial Peck of Pickled Peppers

When we lived on our Urban Farm we had more peppers than we could keep up with. This gave us an option to enjoy our jalapeños all year.


1 CU of peppers, any size
1/2 onion . Sliced very thin

Alt Mix 1

  • 1 CU white or rice vinegar
  • 1/4 CU sugar
  • 3 TBL salt (preferably pickling salt)

Alt Mix 2

  • 1/2 C red wine vinegar
  • 1.5 TBL sugar
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mustard seed


  1. Mix vinegar, salt and sugar in some type of jar and microwave 2 minutes
  2. Agitate for a few seconds every few minutes until the solids are dissolved
  3. Cut a slit in your peppers, or cut into medallions, removing the seeds if desired
  4. Mix onion slices and peppers, then place into the jar and then into the refrigerator
  5. Let pickle for at least three days


  • If these are for cooking, you don’t need to add anything else to the mix.
  • If they are for nibbling, add a clove or two of garlic and some sprigs of dill into the jar at step 1.
    • A peck is a traditional unit of volume, formerly used for both liquids and solids but now used mostly for dry commodities such as grains, berries, and fruits.
    • A peck is 2 gallons, 8 quarts, or 1/4 bushel.
    • In the U. S. customary system, a peck holds 537.605 cubic inches or approximately 8.8098 liters.
    • In the British imperial system, a peck is a little larger, holding 554.84 cubic inches or approximately 9.0923 liters.
    • The word “peck”, originally spelled “pek”, comes from the name of a similar old French unit; the origin of the French unit is not known.
    • So if Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers, he would have a lot.
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