Original recipe created by a friend of Alice’s named Brion Gysin. Actually called Haschigh Fudge. In Morocco it is thought to be good for warding off the common cold in damp winter weather
- 1 tsp black peppercorns
- 1 whole nutmeg
- 4 sticks of cinnamon
- 1 tsp coriander
- A handful each of dates, dried figs, shelled almonds and peanuts
- 1 oz marijuana
- Chopped mixed fruit and nuts
- 1 C sugar
- 2 TBL butter
- Pulverize everything in a mortar or coffee grinder
- Add a handful each of dates, dried figs, shelled almonds and peanuts
- Chop these and mix them together
- Pulverize a bunch of Cannabis sativa.
- This along with the spices should be dusted over the mixed fruit and nuts, then kneaded together.
- Add 1 C of sugar dissolved in a big pat of butter.
- Roll into a one inch log on a sheet of plastic wrap.
- Roll more tightly using the plastic wrap to firm up the log.
- Slice the log into thin medallions
- You can store these in individually wrapped pieces of plastic and store in the fridge for up to three weeks, so they are available as you need them. They should be eaten with care. Two pieces are quite sufficient.
Marijuana brownies are metabolized more slowly than smoking it, but they effect lasts much longer. Be patient. As said in the Step by Step… Two pieces are quite sufficient. One is enough for most people.
Obtaining the cannabis may present certain difficulties, but with the recent medical marijuana laws, it may become easier as time progresses. The variety known as cannabis sativa grows as a common weed, often unrecognized, everyone in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa; besides being cultivated as a crop for the manufacture of rope. In the Americas, while often discouraged, its cousin, called cannabis indica, has been observed even in city window boxes. It should be picked and dried as soon as it has gone to seed and while the plant is still green.