Corn Tortillas – Use for Huevos Rancheros

  • 2 C Masa Harina (200 gm)
  • 1 TBL corn meal
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • 1 1/3 C very warm water (about 100º)
  • 1 TBL vegetable oil

Be sure to use CAST IRON SKILLET

  1. Mix all ingredients
  2. Pinch off golf-ball sized pieces of masa
  3. Cover with a damp towel, and let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Lay out a sheet of plastic wrap or parchment paper
  5. Spread dough out into flat round circles
  6. Cook on dry griddle at 350 – 400 degrees, 30 seconds on each side

Special Steps:  Work masa with your hands. It should be doughy, but not wet
For some interesting facts, see

See also Tortilla Soup

Cok Au Vin Crepe Filling

1 lemon (zested and juiced)
1 orange (zested and juiced)
4 TBL butter
1/4 CU sugar
1/2 CU Grand Marnier
1/4 CU Grand Marnier

CREPES – See crepe recipe

1. Melt butter and sugar in pot
2. As butter starts to brown add lemon and orange
3. Add 1/2 CU Grand Marnier and mix, mix, mix until it thickens
4. Remove to another bowl
5. Spread onto crepe and fold in thirds, then in thirds again the other way
6. Put crepe back into pot and pour 1/4 CU Grand Marnier over the top
7. Carefully light so that fumes burn

Compound Butter

3 TBL soft butter
3 bacon strips
1 TBL Thyme
1 TBL Oregano
2 tsp garlic
1 tsp Rosemary (chopped)
1 tsp Sage (rough chop)
pepper and salt to taste

1. Fry bacon crisp
2. Place on paper towel to drain
3. Combine all other ingredients
4. Crumble bacon and add to all other ingredients
5. Use to stuff under skin of turkey or chicken before roasting

Turkish Coffee

Title Cómo hacer el café turco (Turkish Coffee)

Ingredients Auténtico café turco (o muy finamente molido de café)

Instructions El Café Turco es uno de los métodos de preparación más antiguos.

Para 2 tazas: Poner dos cucharadas soperas de café molido muy fino en un
ibrik u otro recipiente.

Agregar otras dos cucharadas soperas de azúcar, 2 granos de cardamomo y 2
tazas de agua fría.

Calentar la mezcla y cuando comience a hervir, se retira del fuego.

Se dejar asentar por uno o dos minutos, repitiendo este proceso tres veces.

Antes de servir, agregar algunas gotas de agua fría, para que el café molido
permanezca en el fondo del recipiente.


¿Cómo se prepara y se sirve una taza de café?

La cafetera o recipiente para preparar un café turco se llama Cezve. Es de
cobre o latón, de forma similar a un jarrón, más ancho por abajo que por
arriba y con un asa para servir el café. Además del agua fría y el café se
añade azúcar. Se pone el Cezve al fuego Se calienta a fuego lento
removiendo sin parar hasta que hierva y haga espuma y se retira justo cuando
empieza a hervir.

Esta operación se repite dos veces. Se vierte el contenido en una taza
pequeña, que se llama Kahve Fincanı especial para tomar café y se sirve en
una bandeja junto con un vaso de agua y Çifte Kavrulmuş Lokum (Lokum =
delicia turca preparada con pistacho tostado dos veces). El café turco sin
espuma, se considera mal preparado y un buen café debe tener espuma de
color clarito en la superficie. El café turco se prepara en tres grados distintos
de dulzor: con azúcar (dos cucharas pequeñas por taza), sin azúcar o con poco
azúcar lo que llamamos en turco ‘orta kahve’ café medio (con una cuchara
pequeña por taza).

Cafemancia: Adivinación por medio del los posos del café. Se deposita una
pequeña cantidad en un plato blanco, se revuelve y se quita el exceso de
agua. Se deja secar y con detenimiento se descubrirán las diferentes figuras
extrañas que en realidad representan formas conocidas.

Ingredients Auténtico café turco (o muy finamente molido de café)

Instructions 1. Verter en agua fría en el café de olla.
— Debe usar una taza de agua fría para cada taza que usted está haciendo y,
a continuación, añadir un media taza extra “para la olla”.

2. Añada una cucharadita de suelo turco por cada taza de café en el agua,
mientras que el agua es fría y revuelva.
— La cantidad de café puede ser variado al gusto, pero no te olvides, habrá
una gruesa capa de café a la izquierda en la parte inferior de su taza para
realizarse adecuadamente el café turco. No llenar la olla demasiado.

3. Calentar la olla como lentamente como pueda. El más lento que el calor la
mejor es. Lo ideal sería que las 15 a 20 minutos para llegar a una cerca de
— Asegúrese de que verlo para evitar el desbordamiento cuando el café

4. Cuando el agua hierve pour algunos (no todos) de las de café por igual
entre las tazas, rellenar cada taza aproximadamente un cuarto a un tercio del
— Esto se asegurará de que todos reciban una parte justa de la espuma que
forman en la parte superior de la maceta, sin que el café pierde mucho de su

5. Ahora es el momento de añadir azúcar en cada taza si así lo desea.

6. Continuar la calefacción hasta el café hierve de nuevo (que será muy breve
ahora que ya ha hervido). A continuación, distribuir el resto del café entre las

7. Dado que no hay filtrado de café en cualquier momento durante este
proceso, debe esperar unos minutos antes de beber su delicioso café turco
mientras que el de café a resolver el fondo de la taza.

Special Steps

Notes Hace siglos, cuando la gente dedica más tiempo para atender a las demandas
de sus placeres terrenales y menos tiempo a las demandas de las empresas y
la vida empresarial, toma café desarrollado algunos rituales que existen en
‘lite’ versiones en nuestros días. En los viejos tiempos, conocedores espera su
café que se calienta lentamente a lo largo de brasas de carbón durante 15 a
20 minutos, el café de olla de cobre con frecuencia están alejados de los
incendios para evitar el sobrecalentamiento.

Un conocedor puede decir la diferencia entre un hecho bien el café turco y un
preparó el camino restaurantes baratos, lo haría, básicamente de ebullición el

Saturday, September 03, 2011 Robert’s Recipes

Title Cómo hacer el café turco (Turkish Coffee)

café rápidamente, degradante, por consiguiente, el sabor y produce poca o
ninguna espuma que necesita para cubrir la taza de café.

Aunque hasta el día de hoy todavía hay algunas personas que o bien hacerlo
o, al menos, saber los días en que el café se calienta en carbón, a todos los
efectos prácticos moderno eléctrica o estufa de gas se convirtió en el mejor y
cero el peor equipo de calefacción de elección. Para hacer buen café turco
que necesita los granos de café turco, un turco cafetera ( “cezve”), y tazas de
café turco ( “fincan”), y opcionalmente, si quieres para moler el grano, un
molino de café turco ( “kahve degirmeni “). Tenga en cuenta que el café turco
requiere extra fino café molido que algunos molinos eléctricos dejar de

Cold Sesame Noodles

Pre-cooked Chicken Breasts
1 LB Sesame Noodles – Fresh egg noodles from Refrigerator Section
3-4 TBL Chunky Peanut Butter
¼ CU – Toasted Sesame Seeds
5 TBL Soy
2 TBL Rice Wine Vinegar
2 TBL Brown Sugar
1 TBL Cayenne Sauce
2 TBL Garlic
2 TBL Ginger – minced
Thin with water to heavy cream consistency

1. Boil noodles in 4 qts water with some salt 3-4 minutes
2. Drain, rinse, toss with sesame oil and cool
3. Cook Sauce mixture on med heat for 30 minutes to thick paste
4. Thin with water to heavy cream consistency
5. Mix noodles and sauce
6. Garnish with grated carrot, chives and sesame seeds

Variations Rather than cooking, just soak in hot water with a bit of salt (approx 170 F) for 20 minutes

Cold Cucumber and Avocado Soup

CLICK HERE for Avocado Tips and Tricks.  

2 pounds soft-skinned cucumbers
6 ounces watercress
3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, peeled
1 small jalapeño pepper (use more if it’s very mild)
1 large Haas avocado (7 ounces)
1-2 teaspoons sea salt

1. Trim the ends off the cucumbers, taste each end, and trim off any bitter part. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Wash the watercress, remove any heavy stems, and chop it roughly. You should have about 2 cups.

2. Combine half the cucumbers and most of the lemon juice in the container of a blender and puree. The cucumbers will soon be a liquid, and you can then easily add the remaining cucumbers, the watercress, garlic, and jalapeño. Puree until everything is smooth, working in batches if you need to. (I find that my immersion blender does not work well with this raw soup.)

3. Cut the cucumber in half, remove the pit, peel the avocado, and cut the flesh into cubes; you should have not quite 1 cup of diced avocado. Add the avocado to the cucumber puree, along with a teaspoon of sea salt, and process again. The mixture will become thicker and creamier. Stir everything together in a bowl and taste. Add more lemon juice and more salt, a bit at a time and stirring thoroughly each time, until the balance feels right to you. I like to feel the citrus edge against the creaminess of the avocado, and while I don’t want adistinctly salty taste, the various flavors become clear only when the right amount of salt is added. Use your taste buds — it’s fun.

4. Chill the soup well. Serve it in small bowls, and drizzle each serving with a little fresh fruity olive oil, then scatter a few tomato cubes and croutons on top.

Fruity green olive oil
1 ripe red tomato, finely diced
Homemade croutons (method follows)

Variations • Haas avocados are the ones with the almost black pebbly skin. They have more flavor and a creamier texture than the ones with the smoother, bright green skin.

• It’s important to taste the cucumbers before using. You don’t want any bitterness to mar the delicate flavors of the soup. This recipe is all about a balance of the various flavor components.

• If English cucumbers aren’t to be had, many farmers’ markets have the stubby

Notes This lovely and refreshing cold soup earns raves in the hot days of late summer. Serve it in small bowls, each cool green pool scattered with drops of

Cold Cucumber and Avocado Soup

olive oil, bright red cubes of tomato, and a few crisp croutons.

Long, soft-skinned cucumbers, called English, Armenian, or Persian cucumbers, are best for this soup because they can be used with skin and seeds. If they are very large, check for mature seeds and remove them, but a slender cucumber of this type generally has tiny, soft seeds that puree perfectly.

Watercress adds a little bite to the mild cucumber and avocado. Arugula can be used instead, or a bunch of cilantro, but choose one — don’t mix the flavors. This recipe is based on proportions for one large avocado and can easily be doubled.

pickling cukes that can be mild and sweet. Again, taste them before using.

2 sm cucumbers (peel, seed & dice)
4 cup chicken stock
1 cup sour cream
lemon, salt & pepper

1. Cook until cucumber is soft
2. Cool slightly and put through blender w/1 cup sour cream.
3. Season w/grated lemon rind and salt and pepper.

Chill thoroughly, sprinkle w/chives

Coffee Syrup

1 CU water
1 CU sugar
1 spent (used) vanilla bean
1/4 CU hazelnuts (smashed)

1. Add all ingredients and bring to simmer
2. Heat until it reduces by about half
3. Strain liquid and store

Variations If you also add 1/4 CU coffee beans (smashed) you can make your own coffee
concentrate. Add 1 TBL concentrate to a cup of coffee for flavored coffee

Coffee Filters… Who Knew!?!

1 package of large round cheap coffee filters

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent splatter covers.

2. Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they’ll leave windows sparkling.

3. Protect China. Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between each dish.

4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter.

5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.

6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.

7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.

8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.

9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.

10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes.

11. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.

12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows? Use strips of coffee filters.

13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them. Soaks out all the grease.

14. Keep in the bathroom. They make great “razor nick fixers.”

Coffee Cake – Two recipes

Recipe One


  1. Combine
    • 1 C brown sugar
    • 1/2 C flour
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 8 TBL pieces of butter
  2. Pulse until pea sized pieces of butter
  3. Set aside


  • 2 C flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 TBL  CinnaSugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • ½ C coconut (optional)
  • 1 can 20 oz. Sliced apples
  • 1 TBL additional CinnaSugar
  • 1 C sour cream
  • 1 egg

Step by Step

  1. Prepare topping
  2. Combine all cake ingredients except the apples
  3. Optional:  Mix in coconut.
  4. Pat mixture in ungreased baking pan 13x9x2 building up sides.
  5. Bake 10 min at 350°.
  6. Arrange apple slices over top of the warm crust.
  7. Sprinkle apples with CinnaSugar
  8. Sprinkle apples with sugar/butter topping
  9. Blend sour cream & egg, drizzle over apples.
  10. Bake 25 min. or until edges are light brown. Do not over bake.

Serve warm!

Recipe Two

  • 1/2 stick butter – melted
  • 1/4 C packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 C AP flour
  • 1/2 tsp instant coffee
  • 1 tsp CinnaSugar
  • scant salt


  • 1 3/4 C AP flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom
  • 1 tsp CinnaSugar
  • Add 1/2 C instant coffee
  • 1/3 C sour cream
  • 1 C granulated sugar
  • 2 sticks of softened butter
  • Add 2 eggs, 1 at a time – beating between each
  • Add 1 tsp vanilla with the second egg
  1. Add dry ingredients to bottom
  2. Layer of wet
  3. Layer of dry
  4. Layer of wet
  5. Layer of dry – this is the last layer, and top layer

For help, refer to

Bake 350º for 45 minutes


Coach’s Oats MultiGrain Pancake Mix – Copy Cat

Costco had a GREAT pancake mix by Coach’s Oats, but it seems to have disappeared from their shelves. Coaches Oats still has a presence on but no more pancake mix, so I think it actually has been discontinued.  Here is my copy cat recipe based on their product label.


  • 4 C – Whole Rolled Oats (chopped in processor)
  • 2 tsp – Vanilla (drizzle in when you chop the rolled oats)
  • 3 C – Whole Wheat flour
  • 3 C – White AP flour
  • 1 C – Triticale (or Whole Rye Flour)
  • 1/2 C – Barley (chopped lightly)
  • 1/2 C – Whey Protein Powder
  • 1/2 C – Nonfat Milk
  • 1/2 C – Flaxseeds (Pulse for 1/2 second in processor)
  • 1/2 C – Millet (Pulse 1/2 second)
  • 1/2 C – Buckwheat (Pulse 2 seconds)
  • 2 TBL – Baking Powder
  • 2 TBL – Baking Soda
  • 2 TBL – Corn Starch
  • 1 tsp – Salt
  • 1 C – Cooked Brown Rice (cooked, dried and chopped)


  1. Simply combine and mix well
  2. Adjust quantities to your own taste.

Arugula Pasta

¼ cu roasted garlic
pinch chili flakes
1 tsp parsley
1 tbl olive oil
¼ cu arugula
1 + cu angle hair pasta – al dente

Roast garlic in olive aoiol, add chili flakes, add arugula, add drained pasta-water to steam, add parsley and salt. Mix and plate.

Special Steps:
Top w/parsley, olive oil and cheese

Lamb Chops

Lamb chops
Olive oil
Pita bread
Feta cheese

Clean and cut rack of lamb. Season with rosemary, oregano, salt & pepper, crush together and sprinkle over top, drizzle w/olive oil. Mark on grill if possible.

Special Steps:
Serve on top of pita bread. Serve with Mediterranian salad onside. Slice cucumber on side and feta cheese on top.

Steak Fries (Russet Potatoes)

Peanut Oil

Cut –half/thirds/half, cut in 12th.. Place in cold water with ice. Chill at least 30 min. Towel dry-as dry as possible. Heat peanut oil to 325. Drop handful into hot oil. Stir-lime blonde about 10 minutes (oil will drop to 260). Drain/cool/dry. 3-5 min in oil

RSUGG-bake @ 350 F for 8 min.

Cobb Salad

Eggs (boiled)
Turkey or chicken
Blue cheese (danish blue)

Cook bacon on oven rack for 15 min @ 425 and drain on paper towels. Cut end off romaine lettuce, float in water to clean. Slice lengthwise then cross cut into little sized pieces. Put into salad spinner ro shake in paper bag. Toss lettuce in dressing. Distribute on platter, lay in rows, avocado, bacon, blue cheese (Danish blue), tomatoes, diced roast turkey breast or chicken, hard boiled egg.

Special Steps:
Dressing; 1 tbl Dijon mustard, 2 tbl red wine vinegar, oregano, touch of dill, 2 tbl olive oil, stirring to emulsify.


Ingredients Eggs (boiled)
Turkey or chicken
Blue cheese (danish blue)

Instructions 1. Cook bacon on oven rack for 15 min @ 425° and drain
on paper towels.
2. Cut end off romaine lettuce, float in water to clean.
Slice lengthwise then cross cut into little sized pieces.
3. Put into salad spinner ro shake in paper bag.
4. Toss lettuce in dressing. Distribute on platter, lay in
rows, avocado, bacon, blue cheese (Danish blue),
tomatoes, diced roast turkey breast or chicken, hard
boiled egg.

1. 1 tbl Dijon mustard, 2 tbl red wine vinegar, oregano,
touch of dill, 2 tbl olive oil, stirring to emulsify.

Chad Primakow Banana’s Foster

4 tbl butter
½ cu dark brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
lemon zest (use peeler, do not get white)
dark rum

Heat quickly before butter separates, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon stick, lemon zest. Add dark rum, (helps sugar dissolve)

Peel ripe but firm (2 bananas) slice 4 halves into sauce flat side down. Turn heat down to low, cook 1 ½-2 min each side, baste, flip delicately.

Dish out ice cream “Dreamery” vanilla or double rainbow, 2 scoops, ready to flambé.

Add 3 tbl dark rum, take off heat and set on fire.

Spoon bananas & sauce over ice cream.

Szechuan Beef

Flank steak (sliced thin)
1 tbl Kikkoman soy
1 tbl sesame oil
¼ cu black vinegar (alt balsamic)
1 tbl souchein wine (or dry sherry)
1 tbl sugar
canola oil
3 cloves garlic
2 tbl fresh ginger
3 tbl long cut chives
Thai red chilis
Chives (long cut)

Marinate; 1 tbl soy, 1 tbl sesame oil, ¼ cu vinegar, 1 tbl wine, 1 tbl sugar. Marinate steak over night, partially frozen to cut.

Smoking hot wok w 2 tbl canola oil, heat 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbl ginger, 3 tbl chives. Add Thai redchilis and cook 3-5 min. Add meat, cook till brown, fold in sauce.

Serve over rice

Baked Chicken Breast

  • Chicken breast
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • 8 oz. Brown ale
  • onion
  • brown sugar
  • bay leaf
  • thyme
  • vinegar
  • salt & pepper


  • Brine for moisture in 2 qt water, 1 C salt, refrigerate for 60 minutes.
  • Rinse off then dry. Browns better , otherwise steams.
  • Season with GTP or salt, pepper and paprika
  • Cook skin down in 1 TBL EVOO about 5 minutes
  • Flip and cook 3 minutes.
  • Put on baking sheet and cook at 400º for internal temp of 160º (about 12-15 minutes)

Special Steps:

  • Sauce, Cook in same pan of residual fat, onion, 1 C chicken stock, 8oz. Brown ale (beer), brown sugar, bay & thyme.
  • Reduce to ¾ cup
  • Whisk in butter, ½ tsp vinegar, salt & pepper.

Chicken Provencial

Onion (diced)
6 cloves garlic (diced)
1 anchovy (diced)
1 cu dry white wine
1 cup chicken sauce
1 cup diced canned tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
2 tbl thyme
2 tbl oregano
1 bay leaf

Brown thighs in 1 tsp olive oil, heat season thighs (do not brine skin) skin down 5 minutes (set aside to cool) drain off grease into bowl.

Saute @ med heat, onion anchovy, garlic, cayenne, wine, chicken sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, thyme, oregano and bay leaf.

Remove chicken skin, put chicken into pan 1-1 ½ hour and cook @ 300. Remove chicken & cover. Reduce liquid w/tsp lemon zest, mix zest and parley for top. Cook 10 minutes, drizzle w/olive oil, sprinkle parsley.

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