Regular ol’ Baked Beans
2 CU prepared beans – See recipe for Dry Bean Processing
¾ lb fat salt pork or 2 strips bacon
½ tsp salt
3 TBL brown sugar
½ tsp mustard
1/2 onion – chopped small
1 TBL ketchup
1 clove garlic – minced
1 a Put pork on glass plate and cover with paper towel.
1 b Cook in microwave 30 seconds and change towels.
1 c Cook another 30 seconds.
1 d Repeat one more time if necessary – ususally not necessary
2. Put cooked pork in bottom of glass casserold dish (that has a cover available)
3. Strain beans, reserving liquid
4. Add beans into pot, burying pork
5. Mix in all other listed ingredients
6. Add Reserved Liquid (from beans) pouring over top to barely, but completely, cover – use spoon to work liquid through beans
7. Cover with glass lid and bake 2 hours at 300 degrees
8. Uncover and cook 1 more hour
Reserved liquid means the liquid in which the beans did their final soak in, and were subsequently cooked in.
Boston Baked Beans
Boston Baked Beanss (1)
Boston Baked Beans (2)
Backyard Baked Beans
Kettle Cooked Baked Beans
Simple Baked Beans
Bush’s Boston Baked Beans