- Brioche Bread – Day old
- Substitute Hallah
- Slice thick
- Topping
- Cream cheese
- Vanilla extract
- Heavy Cream
- Orange Zest
- Custard / Batter
- 4 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- CinnaSugar
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla
- 3/4 C Milk
- 1/4 C Cream
- Put bread into pan and cover with the Custard. Let soak at least 30 minutes
- Put onto griddle and cook SLOWLY – only at about 300º
- TOPPING – Bananas Foster – in Skillet
- Slice bananas
- 1/2 C Light brown sugar
- 4 TBL Butter
- Rum
- Banana liquor
- Let the alcohol cook off
- Plate cooked toast
- Top with Bananas
- Cream cheese mixture
- Berries – any type
- Sprinkle with Confectioner sugar