Gila Farm Cooperative CSA Delivery Newsletter April 3rd 2012
Pick up produce Tuesdays at 5227 N. 7th St. between 4:00 and 5:30pm
Week three of ten week CSA Spring Season.
Fava Beans!? What’s that?

Fava beans, also known as broad beans, are one of the oldest plants in the history of human cultivation. The beans are popular throughout the Middle East, South America, North Africa
and Europe. They are incredibly high in fiber and iron and low in sodium and fat. This buttery textured bean has absolutely no cholesterol but is packed with so much protein that it is called the poor mans’ meat.
Fava beans have been slow to catch on in the United States because of the time needed for preparation. So, here goes….choose a slow Sunday afternoon, sit down on the back porch with your kids, and get shucking. Time spent with our food and food preparation is a reminder of how closely linked we are with the soil and what it feeds us.
- Snap off the stem end on the stringy end of the pod
- Pull down and remove the “string” that runs down the inner seam of the pod
- (Alternatively, skip steps 1&2 and use a knife to open the pod)
- Open pod and remove beans
- Put beans in pot of boiling salt water for 1- 2 minutes
- Drain hot liquid, dunk beans in ice/cold water bath
- Let beans cool completely
- Peel away the waxy layer coating on each bean and discard (yes, you are shelling the bean AGAIN)
- Saute peeled fava beans in oil and garlic for 5 minutes.
- Add to salads, stirfry’s or eat by itself and enjoy!
If you haven’t signed up for our CSA yet this season, you can go to our website to sign up. Shares are available throughout the season at a pro-rated price. Spread the word!