- An omelet is a good first meal for budding chefs. This is nearly foolproof, healthy and versatile.
- You hear a lot about omelet pans. They’re nice, but not really necessary. You can make a decent omelet in a skillet just as easily. Here’s how…
- 1-2 eggs for each person
- Cheddar cheese (grated)
- black olives
- green onions
- mushrooms
- salsa
- … etc
- Preheat flat surface to medium-low heat (ideally 300-350º if you have an infrared thermometer or electric skillet)
- Pour on about 1 tsp olive oil
- Beat the egg well and pour onto skillet
- Tip skillet so that egg flows over a wide area BEFORE it hardens
- Allow to cook so that egg is soft, but no longer runny
- Flip omelet
- Put grated cheese on 1/2 of the surface
- Put fillings also on 1/2 of surface
- Use your spatula to flip bare side over onto the fillings
- Slide onto a plate