Grandpa’s Brown Betty

For two medium personal sized ramekins

  1. Preheat oven to 350º
  2. 1 C large crumbles of old donuts
    • Put into bottom of a lightly greased ramekin
  3. Cut 1-2 apples into dice-sized pieces
  4. Toss in 1 tsp lemon juice or citric acid water
  5. Strain liquid from apples into a mixing bowl
  6. Toss the apples in 2 TBL CinnaSugar
    • Put apples over top of donut crumbles
  7. In the apple container, add 2 TBL lemon or citric acid water
  8. Add 1/3 C brown sugar to the water
  9. Add 1/4 C whole milk or buttermilk
    • Mix to dissolve – set this SYRUP aside
  10. Mix 1/4 C brown sugar into mixing bowl
  11. Put 1/2 C Bisquick into mixing bowl
  12. Add 2 TBL butter
    • Cut above three ingredients together
  13. Put flour mixture over top of apples
  14. Pour the Syrup over top of the flour mixture
  15. Bake 45 minutes
  16. Serve warm
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