Ever wonder what to do with that gravy packet that comes with your frozen turkey when nobody at your dinner really eats gravy – but you do.
Here is an answer:
- Mix the gravy packet with 2 C of pan drippings
- Add whatever gravy seasonings you like. I added 1 TBL Thunder Powder.
Grandpa's Thunder Powder or Arghhh Powder - Ladle into cupcake silicon liners. Don’t use paper, it will essentially dissolve. You can use it, but be careful when thawing.
- Freeze overnight
- Put into a bag with a link to these instructions.
www . grandpacooks . com / recipes / gravy
When you are ready to make your gravy, do this:
- Put one or two gravy cupcakes into a pan.
- Let melt for about an hour on the counter. No longer.
- If you are ready to cook now, microwave 15 seconds at a time breaking apart with a spoon until thawed. It doesn’t need to be completely thawed, just mostly.
- Start to heat the gravy on the stovetop.
- Mix 1 tsp cornstarch with 1 TBL water PER CUPCAKE.
That is, if you are making two, use 2 tsp and 2 TBL. - As soon as you see the first sign of steam, TEMPER the hot liquid into your cornstarch, 1 TBL at a time.
- After 4 TBL into your cornstarch, slowly drizzle the cornstarch into your gravy whisking continually.
- Stir until it thickens. That’s it !
- Starting with your melted gravy, heat in microwave 30 seconds.
- Remove and stir in 1 tsp cornstarch with 1 TBL water PER CUPCAKE.
That is, if you are making two, use 2 tsp and 2 TBL. - Heat another 30 seconds
- Remove and stir.
- Repeat “remove and stir” at 10 second intervals at this point. If you try to increase time to, let’s say 20 seconds, you will find that your gravy has developed clumps.
- When it has thickened enough for you, it is done.