Lemon Gummies

  • 1 1/4 C water
  • 1/2 C juiced lemon
  • 1/4 C juiced lime
  • 2 TBL lime zest
  • 2 TBL lemon zest
  • 1 1/4 C sugar
  • 8 envelopes gelatin – (about 2 cups)
  1. Mix the juices and zests and add 1/2 C water
  2. Add all of the gelatin
  3. Set aside for later use
  4. In a pan, combine 1 C sugar and 1/2 C water
  5. Heat to 300º – which is hard crack / brittle temperature – DO NOT STIR
  6. Put the gelatin onto low heat
  7. Move syrup carefully over to the gelatin
  8. Mix all carefully together, whisking continually
  9. Let cool slightly
  10. Pour into non stick pan covered with parchment paper
  11. Cut into squares when OK to touch
  12. Transfer to bowl with powdered sugar
  13. Toss to coat
  14. Cool on rack for 24 hours


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