Salt and Vinegar French Fries


Fat Fries – Ranch Fries – Chips – Whatever you may call them, these are relatively healthy  French Fries that bake (not fry) the taters. Salt to your own taste.

  1. Preheat the oven to 425º
  2. Wash, and cut the potatoes
  3. Soak in ice water 1-2 hours
  4. Pat dry with a towel, then let air dry another 15 minutes
  5. Toss in 2 TBL EVOO, 2 TBL melted butter, and  a bit of chopped rosemary
  6. Spread the potatoes on a lightly greased rimmed baking sheet in a single layer with the potatoes not touching another
  7. Bake until golden brown – about 25-30 minutes
  8. Turn fries half way through
  9. Sprinkle with malt vinegar and salt
  10. Optional:  Sprinkle with crushed red pepper
  11. Serve immediately

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