Steve’s Chicken Burrito


  • 1/2 LB shredded precooked chicken
  • 1 onion
  • 2 Roma Tomatoes
  • 1 or 2 jalapeƱos (optional)
    – Seeds and veins removed
  • 1 TBL tomato paste
  • 1 taco seasoning packet

Step by Step

  1. Brown the chicken in 1 TBL butter
    (Ground chicken is OK, but not as good)
  2. Add the onion
  3. Continue to cook 5 minutes until softened
  4. Add the tomato paste and (optional) jalapeƱo
  5. After 5 minutes, add the seasoning packet
  6. Cover and simmer for 30-60 minutes
  7. Wrap in a tortilla.
    Can’t find them in the grocery store?
    CLICK HERE for Grandpa’s tortilla recipe:

Alternate Preparation

  1. Buy a whole chicken and remove the stuffing packet and rinse it under cold water
  2. Put the chicken in a crockpot with the onion and jalapenos and tomato paste
  3. Mix in 1 C of water or broth
  4. Simmer for 6-8 hours

Steve used the same skillet that his dad had been using for 40 years.

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