Three Potato Salad

  • One Yukon Gold potato
  • One small sweet potato
  • One russet potato
  • Potato salad sauce (as shown below)
  1. Start a large pot of water boiling
  2. Cut all potatoes into 1/2 inch cubes
  3. Put in the sweet potato – start timing
  4. Add 2 TBL salt to the water and stir gently to dissolve
  5. Three minutes later, put in the Yukon Gold pieces
  6. Three minutes after that, put in the Russet potatoes
  7. Start timing twelve minutes – All potatoes will be done at the same time
  8. Strain potatoes and put them into cold water for 30-60 seconds
  9. Strain potatoes again and put them onto a lint-free towel to drain for three minutes
  10. Toss gently with Potato Salad Sauce
  11. Let cool in the refrigerator for two hours, or eat it now if you prefer warm potato salad.

Potato Salad Sauce

  • 1/4 C Mayonnaise
  • 1 TBL Dijon mustard or 1 tsp Chinese Dry Mustard
  • 1 stalk celery – chopped small
  • 1 TBL green onion
  • 1 TBL tarragon
  • 1 jalapeƱo – diced




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