Peeling lots and lots of potatoes

  1. Score the potato around the equator
  2. Boil the potato for 3-4 minutes
  3. Plunge in ice water
  4. Skin should slide off

Keeping food Warm

  • To keep served food warm, heat your plates in a 200º oven before serving

Frying and Browning

  • For a nice brown cheese sandwich use mayonnaise rather than butter
  • Put a metal bowl over top of your cooking grilled sandwich with a drop of water to melt the cheese and keep the bread soft.
  • To reheat fries bring up to room temperature, put on wire rack, spray with oil, bake at 400º until browned


  • Dress the SIDE of your salad bowl to more evenly coat your salad leaves


  • Don’t start your hot pasta water with hot water from the tap.  This includes MUCH more dissolved solids than cold water.
  • While on the subject, don’t start your pasta in non-boiling water.  It changes the texture and can make it gummy

Butter and Oil

  • If you run out of butter, just use canola oil in a 1 to 1 ratio.  The fats in the oil behaves exactly like melted butter.
  • Use old toilet paper rolls to scoop up the congealed grease from your pan.  These can then be used as fire starter logs.

Food Preparation

  • Spread sour cream on a tortilla.  Add lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and meat.  No wet stuff.
  • To peel ginger, use a spoon and scrape the skin off
  • Old eggs float.  Fresh eggs will sink.  This is because of the gasses produced as it begins to spoil.  If an egg floats, do not eat it.
  • To truss meat, use a double loop on your first knot, and it will hold itself.
  • Cook your roast on a bed of mirpoix veggies:  carrot, onion, celery


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